Full Moon in Capricorn

7/21/24 Hello Goddesses, This is the second full moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees which is at a very astrologically potent time for finishing un-finished business.  Ask yourself what you have obtained, what you have yet to achieve and what you need to adjust to make things happen.  This moon is all about success and never take “No” for an answer. Stability, structure and a grounded approach to life’s challenges- strong sense of duty.  Prioritizing responsibilities and goals above all.   Potentially bringing either anxiety or welcome career news.  This moon reflects on last June so think back on where you were then and how it affected you.   July 6th-24th conjunct Uranus, Algor and Mars.  Mid-July very important. Politically, electrically and firework energy.  Rebellion , restlessness and need for freedom.  Uranus is a planet of sudden abrupt changes, very unstable.  Feeling of losing your power.  Feeling out of control or feeling much more in-tune with one’s self than you have felt since the last time of Capricorn Moon in June.  Mastery of your disciplines and authority which needs you now to step inwards and not be focused on your outside life.  Be more in nature, observe everything and take the pause to listen instead of speaking.  It is a very intense time for feelings and emotions to arise.  Honor yourself.  Be proud of how far you have come over the last few years.  This time is the end of the old world and it is creating the new world.   Clean out the old “Now!” change into the new.  Focus your attention and shift from your outer self into your inner...

Introduction to the Art of Deflection

Saturday March 30th Deflection is a major ingredient to help self to stay protected and safe.  All 24 bodies need to be acknowledged and our outer dark fields are the 1st ones to be infiltrated – acknowledging each one of these keeps them safe, strong, and protected.  Deflection is a necessary practice for any healer or anyone who is consciously walking this planet.  All healers must remain clean, clear, focused and directed… this is a must to prevent burnout.  There will be many tools that can be used in daily life to reflect back energy that does not serve for your highest good.  This will help you to create a healthy environment for inner-self.  Knowing what is yours and being able to distinguish what is not.  This is an entire day that is experiential.  Working outside with the elements and also working with others to practice expanding your energy fields to protect self. This will be an all day workshop from 10am to 5pm.  The cost will be $150 .  Lunch will be provided.  Please bring any snacks or drinks you may desire for the day.  Dress comfortable…. no zippers.  You will need to bring a journal and a pen.  Come experience a day that you will never forget and learn tools that will last a lifetime. Please contact me if you have any questions or to register for this class. Phone (480) 773-6374. Blessings,...
The Year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon

2024 Welcome all my beautiful goddesses,  What to look forward to in 2024.  Through out the first few months of 2024 we can expect many confrontations, whether it be outmoded ideas or dreams of our own.     Lets stay focused on where we are going and how to direct the change that we need for the entire collective.  This is not a me time, it is a we time.  Leave the pettiness of being right or wrong.  It all just ends up in a circle.  Our own circle.  Agree to disagree and move on, enough push back. January 1st 2024 has a grand trine in Earth signs between the sun, moon and Jupiter.  Which reminds us to remain grounded and seek clarity with all the facts.  Needs for freedom, impatience and anxiety starts off our year.   This is a year to move forward with all projects.  Time to start birthing and creating ideas of your dreams to make them real.  Review your spiritual visions, tune up your intuition “trust and believe” are you using your wisdom? Review what you already know and expand it.  This is a time for humanity to come together as never before with sharing skills, collective thinking, and community.  Ask yourself if you are in the right group or community?  Spread your ideas to a global thought, do your part even in a small way to uplift mankind.   The spring total solar eclipse will reveal what has been deeply hidden on many levels.  Forgive yourself for your past and set yourself free.  Now is the time for you to find wholeness.  Let yourself shine, walk...

Manifestation/ Candle Magic Class

Wednesday 2/21/24, 2/28/24 and 3/6/24 Hi all my beautiful goddesses, Come play, learn and create your own destiny.  Candle magic allows you to receive exactly what you desire in your life.  Working with candles is a very powerful tool to focus your energy by illuminating what does not serves, as opposed to what is clearly for your highest good.  This class is all about good intentions, love and keeping your heart open to all the many blessings.   I am so excited to share this information with all of you.  We will have much fun.   If interested in taking the class or want more information please reach me by telephone (480) 773-6374.   What is needed for this class: Fresh new notebook or journal Pen Fee for the class is $125 total ( 2 hours each Wednesday for 3 weeks)  Prayers and blessings,...

Astrology Overview 2023

WELCOME TO A NEW ERA – 2023 Get ready for a year of cosmic challenges across the board. 2023 Overview This year is about seeking the silver lining emerging from shadows with moon light in our eyes and roses in our hands, looking for the good that still dwells among us.  The heart that beats beneath the skin of the world. This is the year of the Rabbit 2023 new moon and sun conjunction in Aquarius so the Chinese calendar resets at this time.  The rabbit is a symbol of longevity imaged as an alchemist and shaman who lives on the moon with the moon Goddess change.  The rabbit is about peace calmness and healing after the dynamic tiger year.  The rabbit is the water element.  Keenly perceptive and can sense danger in any situation.  So be aware and conscious around your presence.  Feelings and emotions are high intuitive, empathic and kind.  So this is a yin year – feminine and soft.  This year the planets ask us to engage in dynamic social change and to create and nurture new cycles, webs and cohorts explore humbly before jumping into action.  Structure and responsible Saturn starts the year in Aquarius and enters Pisces on 3/07/23.  Transformative Pluto steps into Aquarius from 3/23/23- 6/11/23, then retrogrades back into Capricorn until 2/1/24.  The new chapter of Pluto in Aquarius offers hope- But, don’t expect all sweetness and light. Pluto takes 247 years around the zodiac and last time it was here in Aquarius was 1778-1797, heralding an era for revolution.  Surely our voices will be heard.  Look deeper in life to keep...