Full Moon in Capricorn


Hello Goddesses,

This is the second full moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees which is at a very astrologically potent time for finishing un-finished business.  Ask yourself what you have obtained, what you have yet to achieve and what you need to adjust to make things happen.  This moon is all about success and never take “No” for an answer.

Stability, structure and a grounded approach to life’s challenges- strong sense of duty.  Prioritizing responsibilities and goals above all.  

Potentially bringing either anxiety or welcome career news.  This moon reflects on last June so think back on where you were then and how it affected you.  

July 6th-24th conjunct Uranus, Algor and Mars.  Mid-July very important. Politically, electrically and firework energy.  Rebellion , restlessness and need for freedom.  Uranus is a planet of sudden abrupt changes, very unstable.  Feeling of losing your power.  Feeling out of control or feeling much more in-tune with one’s self than you have felt since the last time of Capricorn Moon in June.  Mastery of your disciplines and authority which needs you now to step inwards and not be focused on your outside life.  Be more in nature, observe everything and take the pause to listen instead of speaking.  It is a very intense time for feelings and emotions to arise.  Honor yourself.  Be proud of how far you have come over the last few years.  This time is the end of the old world and it is creating the new world.  

Clean out the old “Now!” change into the new.  Focus your attention and shift from your outer self into your inner world.  Spirituality a must.  This is the time.  It will help you with your shift with your community at large.  Accessing other dimensions or being able to be seen through the veils that have been hidden.  Experience what has been hidden.  All secrets will be reveled and come into light.  Some can be very shocking.  Standing in your light and love, creating from your new frequency.  People, places and things are being removed for your highest good.  Let go! 

