Introduction to the Art of Deflection

Saturday March 30th

Deflection is a major ingredient to help self to stay protected and safe.  All 24 bodies need to be acknowledged and our outer dark fields are the 1st ones to be infiltrated – acknowledging each one of these keeps them safe, strong, and protected.  Deflection is a necessary practice for any healer or anyone who is consciously walking this planet.  All healers must remain clean, clear, focused and directed… this is a must to prevent burnout.  There will be many tools that can be used in daily life to reflect back energy that does not serve for your highest good.  This will help you to create a healthy environment for inner-self.  Knowing what is yours and being able to distinguish what is not.  This is an entire day that is experiential.  Working outside with the elements and also working with others to practice expanding your energy fields to protect self.

This will be an all day workshop from 10am to 5pm.  The cost will be $150 .  Lunch will be provided.  Please bring any snacks or drinks you may desire for the day.  Dress comfortable…. no zippers.  You will need to bring a journal and a pen.  Come experience a day that you will never forget and learn tools that will last a lifetime.

Please contact me if you have any questions or to register for this class. Phone (480) 773-6374.

