Three Important Things for Aspiring Healers to Know

Three Important Things for Aspiring Healers to Know

1. Foundation
The first thing any aspiring healer will want to do is get a fantastic and solid foundation. Foundation is everything and it allows us the space to grow. Part of maintaining a strong foundation is partaking as the patient in healing work. As healers, we must always, always, always purge ourselves and heal ourselves.

2. Protection
The next thing to remember is protection–create a good space for yourself and for the people you bring into your home or clinic. As time passes and you advance in healing work, do not forget to regularly cleanse your products, the stones, feathers and tools of your trade. Part of protecting yourself and your space requires healers to know where any new person being sent to them comes from. Before this person comes through your door you’ll want to identify if they are a referral from a current client or if they are coming via another means. Try to find out something about new clients before you invite them into your space.

3. Intent without Expectations
Finally, healers must realize that they can only control their intent and not the outcome (for a variety of reasons). Your primary focus should be to have good intent without creating any expectations. You were called to this practice because you care about others so of course you would like to heal everyone that comes to you. But not everyone is truly ready to heal. Some people believe, on some level, that it is best for them to hold on to whatever is hurting them because it serves them in some way. For those people, you may never get your desired results. Remember to try and help each person relax enough to understand that if they came to you, they are ready to release and let go of what holds them back. Then allow Spirit to work through you and know you are there for the highest good of everyone–yourself and your patients. But the outcome is never in our hands. It is in Gods hands and we must leave it there.